
Almost all Around the World!!

Hey Everyone! Wow, A lot of people saw my blog from over there in Europe, Africa, and such
Unlike my sis that says shes surprise you guys looked at this
I'm happy you saw this blog and maybe stuck around!
United States 
United Arab Emirates

Woohoo! Thank you to all of you and I hope I can get someone from all over the world to see this!
Thank you!!!
Please comment, share, ask me something, or just read this blog!
I'm happy for anyone of them!
Have a great day/night!


Why I made this

Hello Everyone!

I'm just sitting on a window with some orange juice listening to dubstep remixes as I pretend your here and I can talk to you. I barely had this blog and already I love and treasure it. I started off actually mad at my family after fighting with 3 of them. I felt like I never had a voice or say in things and I wanted to help speak out along with people I live with. We all deserve a voice don't we? So I started off this blog with sill things like fabulous pranks to do in Walmart. I have yet to try some but maybe when I'm older and we have a get away car if by chance we are kicked out perhaps! XD
Yeah but then I started to deal with my past, working out things, meeting new problems, and well it started to appear here. Advice for love, things bout boys and girls, being ok about being gay, I went for it all! I sound a lot more mature than my family thinks because well they are my family! Your suppose to still be their little kid and bother them to no end! Hahaha! Being mature and all came from this blog. I have yet to grow up from my studies but I learned more from making this blog come to life. Learning about gay marriage, dog fights, sex trafficking, to bullies, average day life, and of course my own drama. I don't continue this blog any more because for the hecks of it, I want to continue this blog so some people might actually listen and understand others and also because I want to help others in this world. Not being king of the mountain as a rich person but I want to show people the beauty in life if you don't end it. The joy of going to carnivals being 12, or the wonder of animals you never seen at zoos, or the happiness and fun of just talking and being with others, and when the heavy weight is off your shoulders when you confess and being honest about things. There is so much we can learn when we speak out to each other and make a effort to at least be our self.

Goal of Love and Types

Ok so being the nerdy Otaku I am I found a doujin and figured this would be a good thing to talk about!
(BTW Otaku is a fan of anime and a doujin is like a short comic series of sort)

Where is the goal of Love?

It's a new way of asking yourself I admit because I need to slowly think about it too but where is our own version of the goal of love? Some people have the goal to marry someone rich so they can get them self  rich too or people like me just set a goal to not be single. However we are going about this wrong actually...

Love: A feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent,child,or friend 
Stated by the Dictionary

A person doesn't need another to love by their side to make them self whole
you can be whole without anyone and single as can be
It sounds like a bad thing but being single can be good at times
And just like our lives as men and woman
we have a standard for love
that it's girl and guy love
this just proves how hard it is for anyone gay,lesbian, or other to
love freely with out judgement 
It's like in the book "The Giver" when Jonas tries to show the way he saw
the other's refused to believe it and tried to keep it away

There shouldn't have to be a religion
a type of love
a type of life
 one road to go down
No, That's not how this world should be
Christian, Catholic, Muslim, We can believe in which ever religion we have
Go ahead love someone the opposite gender or the same gender
we shouldn't be directing who we love
You can't stop love from going where it goes.
Man or Woman, Black or White, American or Asian, it doesn't matter
follow your dreams
by your decision, not others
There's no such thing as one road
never was! Hahaha!
there's always the choice that you the traveler makes,
to go down the path trampled that many used
or to be daring and walk down the path less picked
and seek a new way

The Goal of Love
for me
is to love your family, friends, and people
they are the people to treasure more than money its self


Blog Update

Hello Everyone!

I'm still working on figuring everything for making this weird blog of mine and I'm just going by what it says because I'll rather not get in trouble for it. From the European Union Laws, to any of you seeing this in Europe you're going to have to beware of cookies and such. I'm trying to understand about getting a consent and such but for all of you, watch out for cookies! Cookies are what websites put in your computer to track what you do on it. So make sure you careful ok everyone? I don't want anyone to accidentally get viruses or such. Thank You and wish me good luck reading this! XD

CYAN =w=



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You have a pet Dragon Now!!


Typical Thinking

Typical Thinking
This is my own opinion, you have ever right to think different just don't attack me about it to do it your way ok? 

Girl's have to wear dresses,skirts, and make up
No we don't! Absolutely not thank ya very much! Girls can wear jeans, boy's pants, or anything for all I care. You don't need to wear dresses and skirts to be girly or use the color pink. Also don't wear make up all you girls out there. If you really like it go ahead but I think everyone is beautiful with out make up and things to make you younger and such.

Boys need to be tough and not so emotional
Seriously? No way! Guys, go ahead and be as emotional and open as you want! Any body who has a problem can deal with me! Girls and Guys can be emotional about things and that's alright and it isn't bad to cry. Boys also don't need to play the tough part because some girls are too! You can be the one in distress and have your own savior for once! 

Girls are weak
Uh! Insulting! Girls are not weak! Some pwnd boys in video games, others can beat all the guys in karate class, and some have more courage too! Amelia Earheart flew solo across the Atlantic Ocean and Rosa Parks defended her rights and even got arrested for standing up for her self. What I'm saying is girls can be strong just like girls.

Boys can't do girly things
Ok this really bothers me, Boys shouldn't have trouble with this. There shouldn't be girl things and boys things! Boys can do flowers, fashion design, any of that. People don't need a do this and don't do that.
It restricts people's limits to their unique dreams 

Aim for Perfection
No no no no no and NO!
There is not perfect, there's just you
you get perfect from where you think the limit is.
People need to stop hurting them self trying to get the impossible perfection
which exists with everyone's desires.

I'm back and so is SCHOOL!!!

OH MY GOSH!!! I'M BACK EVERYONE!!! HOORAY!!!! I was locked out of my gmail and chaotic things has happened... TTwTT I missed you guys!!! O now I promise I will try posting something almost daily unless I have events or someone breaks my computer again....

So knowing school is coming up for some people there's always that one person who is terrified for a new year. Moving or graduating from Middle School to High School I get how you would feel. But surviving Elementary and Middle school so far I see natural problems kids might think so I'm here to help with that if I can. 

Ok some people may have trust issues from being forgotten, back stabbed, or mistreated and used by friends. I had similar experiences but I have moved on and still consider those people friends. Why? Because God or how ever you believe it, you are living to enjoy what life has to offer. Don't go living life holding grudges against people for little problems. Friends forget about you and you drift apart is normal ok? People spread out and meet new people, you should too!You may not have the same friends from Elementary school with you in college but it happens, life keeps moving along with time you know. Friend's might be traitors, back stab, or steal from you and I would be mad too. However think of it this way, maybe they were jealous of your awesomeness! Or how unique you are from others. There are jerks in the world, you just gotta prove your better to not be like them. One thing I learned is sometimes don't make such big things out of simple problems. It's a bigger mess to clean up if you were mistaken and sometimes it doesn't end happily. Treasure the friends that stay true to you, not the ones that use you.

I feel this now actually! Hahaha! When at a new school some people feel like they might get lost and late and trouble with it. I'm unsure if all schools do this but for me they guild you around a couple days before hand so your familiar and teachers stand outside the doors to guild and help you. Don't be afraid to ask for help, it won't hurt you pride ok? I asked for help so many times it was hilarious after a while.

Some kids out there stay up all night picking out a outfit for looks and trying to look good. Try not to ok? Relax, take a breath, and dress how you are! I just put on a shirt and pants then I'm done, I don't look at all my clothes and take 10 mins to decide. Also just act and be your self, don't dress to impress unless it's formal of course. I think it's better to show your true self then half or not all of it. In fact me and my friend are wearing dinosaur shirts and being crazy like always for our first day. Yes people may stare but you are brave if you stand out to be how you are.

I found this song from Youtube and I suggest you give it a try because it's exactly what I'm saying! Catchy and the Lyrics are great! I hope it inspires you great people out there. For those who can't get the music here's the lyrics!
Have a awesome Night/Day everyone!!!

Just the Way I am by Skye Sweetnam


I'm fly
The original
I'm sly 
I'm nearly irresistible
And I don't even try
I'm easily excitable,
Completely undeniable,
And sometimes unrealible.
Don't ask me why, 
Don't ask me why (why)

I'm strange
And I like it
That's just the way I am
I can't change
I can't hide it
That's just the way I am
Might as well get over it
Don't try to understand
I'm strange
And I like it
That's just the way I am

From a whisper to a shout
On what the buzz
Is all about
Everybody's buggin' out
And I've only just begun
They can't rain on my parade
I'm sunshine on a cloudy day
Make lemons into lemonade
I'm just havin' fun
I'm havin' fun (I'm havin fun)

I'm strange
And I like it
That's just the way I am
I can't change
I can't hide it
That's just the way I am
Might as well get over it
Don't try to understand
I'm strange
And I like it
That's just the way I am

[chorus (x2)]
Ha ha ha!



I was at the store today and found some hilarious signs I think you all would like too maybe and perhaps use them C:

My room was clean last week. Sorry you missed it.

Gone Fishing, Be back at dark-thirty.

"NO" is a complete sentence.


NORMAL is just a setting on a washing machine.

Jesus loves you but I'm his favorite.

This day was a total waste of makeup.

I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it. 

I got out of bed for THIS?

It is what it is!

Don't clean up my mess, you'll confuse me & mess up my world!

People tolerated

We have freed our house Elves, please clean up after your self.

I'm surrounded by IDIOTS

I'm not paid enough to be nice to you

The more you complain, the longer God makes you live.

This is no ORDINARY person you're dealing with

Ya' can't fix STUPID

Age is a number, I'm unlisted


My friend asked for advice on crushes and here's what I think would help for most people. 

•I'll get use to teasing if I were you, when it's oblivious it happens loads of times depending on friends
•If you wanna avoid being caught try to look more stealthy and not as often
•It's better for some people starting off slow by being their friend or just saying "Hi" every day to start being notice
•Most of the time another person will like the same guy/or girl so expect not everything will fit into place just right
•Don't be afraid of rejection from that one guy/girl, many fish in the sea
•If you guys hit off great! Just don't go too hard with a lot of affection out of no where, kinda confusing on both your crush and friends
•Don't give up your friends over a guy
•Set limit to how far you will go for him/her