
Worse Mistake

Hi Everyone....Yay....I'm back.....
Right now I'm low in spirit because I did the most fucked up thing and now I lost two friends. So..... Well I moved on from the first but the recent one.... Yeah she wants nothing to do with me now....Shit am I right? Like Cyan, come on, did you really act like such a dick. Why yes Reader I did. I gave my sis my part of our necklace since she was going to do it too, I just bought it before her. I feel too depress to make any happy and up going posts for you guys, I'm sorry for that. Also the fact I'm rarely on anymore because of school. Well....I just kicked another best friend out of my life no matter how kind and understanding they tried to be. Guess I have more time to talk to you guys...... Hey, a word of advice from a asshole like me. No matter how much you are insecure, don't go to a internet person, go to your best friend. Never fight so much with them because if they are close to you, you would look at them like family.  You could be dead tomorrow or lose someone in a minute. Life is that cruel. Take the words seriously.

Be careful of what you want
If you
Push people away because you want to be alone...
You'll end up alone
but want the company you had

To my friend if you still can see these posts
I don't hate you for your decisions 
and I am sorry
You didn't get someone better
Who didn't take you for granted

-You know who I am my old Friend

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