

The Super Duper Ultra Weird Funny
Interesting Strange Stupid Hilarious Extreme
100 List of Things to do
when you're bored or before you Die

1. Point at someone and shout "You're one of them!" Run and pretend to trip. Crawl away slowly

2. Look at see through glass and when someone is on the other side shout "OH MY GOD, I'M HIDEOUS!"

3. Put a Dora doll in the middle of Walmart.When someone tries to pick it up yell "SWIPER NO SWIPING"

4. Run up to someone random on the street and slap them with a loaf of bread

5. Go to Pet Smart and buy bird seed. Then ask the clerk how long it will take the birds to grow

6. Go to a pet shop, point at an employee, and shout "I WANT THAT ONE MOMMY!!!"

7. Buy an ice cream, ask the cashier if they believe in unicorns then squish the cone on your forehead

8. Drive a tricycle past a cop while drinking a juice pouch screaming "YOU CAN'T CATCH ME"

9. Go to McDonalds and ask for a happy meal with extra happy

10. Come late to school and when the teacher asks why say your pet rock had a seizure

11. Say 'Waffles' for the whole day without any other words and see what happens

12. Run down the street in a mix of clothes on

13. Close your room door, blast music but not to much you damage your ears, and go wild and dance like no ones watching

14. Repeat spam someone in text messages and prank call with a different phone

15. Jump up randomly somewhere and try starting a food fight

16. Ride a shopping cart like a BOSS

17. Get kicked out of a store from acting 5 again

18. Randomly hug someone on a Friday (FREE HUG FRIDAY)

19. Kiss someone then slap them saying they stole your Brother/Sister
20. Act like a famous person then sing like them outside

21. Pranks someone using whip cream and a pig (toy, paper, real one, or other)

22. Sing loudly in public 

23. Play the game Slap Jack. (Not the card game) Slap anyone who's name is Jack and keep score for who wins

24. Walk up to someone and lick their hand saying "Meow"

25. Hit someone hard and say it's a arm spaz

26. Walk around with someone in the same clothes as you Good Luck walking!!!

27. Go for a drive and punch someone every time you see a punch buggy

28. Take 100 weird pictures and selfies, post them and see how funny you guys are X3

29. Shove your friend in a box and pretend to ship them off to Alaska (Or somewhere in Alaska if you live in Alaska)

30. Play the ultimate game of hard core duck duck goose but make it weirder

31. Hold your pet or a friend's up to the sky and yell "SIMBA"

32. Run up to someone and grab them Scream "I AM YOUR FATHER!!!" Then dash off

33. Go to school with colorful clothes like rainbow colors C:

34. Make someone smile by smiling

35. Leave nice notes everywhere for people you won't even know

36. Cling onto friend's legs and don't let go for a while

37. Sit on a friend and act like you think they are a chair

38. Jump up on your desk if you have free time in school, play music, and sing to it
*Be proud if you do this C: *


40. Find a old picture and get the people in that photo together and take a picture the same way it is so you got a new and older one CX

41. Strut down the street and pose like a model

42. Act like your favorite animal for a while

43. Photo bomb someone taking a picture and make the most strangest face

44. Try to use supercailfragilisticexpialidocious sometime in the day

45. Have a Kitchen war with Friends! Use pots and pans, food, and anything else you can use

46. Parkour around the mall

47. Dance on the roof if it's stable and you can

48. Climb a tree and scream "I HERE BY CLAIM THIS AS MY LAND!!"

49. Act out a scene from your favorite show with friends during class


51. Have a demented evil laugh contest

52. Have a sing off in the car to the radio and Dancing!!!

53. Grab a Poke Ball (if you have one or a friend does) and throw it at someone saying "GO POKE BALL!!!!"

54. Smash someone's face into a pie

55. Make rainbow waffles    It's REAL!! :D

56. Try swimming in a public fountain 

57. Get someone's attention and talk as fast as you can

58. Get your guy friend in a dress

59. Fight over a piece of candy

60. Play Twister, see how you end up

61. Be match maker and use red string

62. Spin around for nothing

63. Tie string to a chair, then go everywhere and see how you took the path

64. Take a selfie with as many people in the view as you can

65. Try to use the Force in public

66. Carry two buckets and one on your head full with water in them

67. Sing a song for a special person in public

68. Draw someone using only make up

69. Hug a toy to death and fan girl jumping up and down in a store

70. Girls, act like boys and boys, act like girls

80. Use a banana as your phone

81. Act like your friend in school

82. Disable friend's apple stuff and completely shut it down then run away laughing like a maniac saying "FRED DIED"

83. Dance how you like in your room like no ones watching

84. Put your friend's small cat/dog in the mail box and have a friend get the mail

85. When someone calls answer with "I'm in your house" in a creepy voice

86. Dance in the rain and make a water angel then Park call saying "God made it Rain"

87. Call a random number and scream "A Potatoe flew around my room!" and hang up

88. Ride a little toy car for 8 year olds and ride it down the street with sun glasses on

89. Swap clothes with friends then to A WATER PARK :D

90. Prank Call acting like a person from another country

91. Act like you don't remember people and see what happens

92. Say "That's what your mom said" after someone finishes a sentence for a day

93. Play poker with food as money and do it on the street but don't be like the home less

94. Make it rain!! Money or water with a hose XD

95. Shove a hose in your friend's pants with the water on

96. Sit on the roof and just sit there with friends peacefully

97. Convince a guy friend he's cute not manly XD

98. Make funny animal sounds with friends

99. Get confident and confess to someone C:


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