


What is Love exactly? When you're a teenage girl, trust me, most of us girls think it's about wanting a boy more than the average crush. Dating them is like love to teens now. But teens these days don't seem to know what Love is. When I looked Love in the dictionary it comes up as 'an intense feeling of deep affection.' Here's the way I see it that words can't show. You can love family members because no matter how much you guys might fight you are still family and love each other. You can love friends as well. Not in a romantic way but if they are always there for you and everything you consider a great friend, you do love them. Husbands and wives love each other before and after they made their vows. And girlfriends and boyfriends love each other dearly and some even go against others because they want to be together. But some times love can die. Break ups, broken friend ships, divorce, and other ways. People in depression normally say no one loves or need them. Well Family, Friends, or some random stranger! Someone loves someone else in some way of love but they don't see it sometimes. They next time someone teases you saying you love that person, if you want, say "Yeah, I do love them." cuz don't we all? C:

Love is meant in different ways but we need to be careful. Love is strong when you say you don't love someone and you serious, angry, ect. Then it's like a stab to the heart. Emotions are mysterious and fragile or strong, not everyone will be the same so...

No matter how hard it will be, always take that chance at love. If you loved and who you loved went away or to someone else, than always treasure the beautiful happy moments but don't forget to move on and not be drowned in the past. You can get so caught up with the stars that you will miss the moon. We all get sad but we need to keep living life happy or we are going to miss the chances at what could happen and if it's good. You gotta dare because there is no retries in Life. Only being who you have made your self. 

So enjoy life and love people who are special and don't miss chances to tell them you love them. C:

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