
The Closet

This Story is Brought to You by the Craziness of  Our Friends and
A Closet
Thanks to my friend for the Story~
Enjoy C;

Noelle's POV 
So the story starts when I was talking to Nikki and practically falling asleep. I almost fell asleep in class like 5 times! All of this was because I talked to Amelia until 1 and played games on my tablet till 3 because I couldn't sleep. I then got up at 6 to get ready for school, so basically I was running on 3 hours of sleep. So as I was saying, Kane, Jacob, and Daniel started talking near the art supplies closet. I was looking what they were doing when the teacher left the room. Next thing you know, I saw Wyatt getting into the closet and Daniel closing the doors and standing in front of it. He was laughing hysterically and is cheeks turned a pink shade. Wyatt was saying,"Let me out; it's dark in here." Then Daniel called his friends over and they also blocked the closet doors. At this point they were all laughing and so was everyone else in the room, even Wyatt. I started cracking up and I couldn't breath from laughing so much. That's when I just snapped awake and felt so wired even tho I usually feel tired daily even though I go to bed right and wake up at 6. Daniel pulled over a table in front of the doors and sat on top with a mischievous smile on his face. The teacher then walked back in and the first thing she said, "Daniel, What did you do?" He told Wyatt to say "hi" and you hear a muffled, "Hi, Mrs. G" The she told Daniel to let Wyatt out of the closet and everyone broke out in more laughter. 

Nikki's POV 
So Noelle then caught up to Daniel later that day and asked if it was worth it. He said, "It was totally worth getting in trouble for." It was a great memory for everyone! We still laugh at it! XD

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